​Technical Lead – Sustainable Agribusiness

A2F Consulting

About A2F Consul-ng:

A2F Consul+ng has over 17 years of experience in providing economic consul+ng and strategic
advisory to interna+onal development partners, country governments, and public and private
sector en++es. A2F was established in 2007 and has offices in Washington DC, USA and Frankfurt,
Germany. We have a strong diversified interna+onal client base in over 80 countries worldwide
and have carried out over 200 assignments worldwide. A2F provides its clients with a unique
perspec+ve on the market context in developing countries, given that part of its staff consists of
interna+onally recognized experts with strong roots in developing countries.


This Opportunity:

USAID/Sri Lanka is in the process of designing a new five-year Economic Moderniza+on ac+vity
to improve Sri Lankan economic compe++veness, which would consist of the following two

  • Improved Enabling Environment: Provide support to GoSL and other relevant partners to

create favorable condi+ons, including regulatory and policy frameworks and improved
economic governance ins+tu+ons, to facilitate the establishment, growth, and success of
businesses in Sri Lanka and increase total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

  • Enhanced Export Compe-veness & Growth for SMEs: Provide support to SMEs to

compete in interna+onal markets, expand their export capabili+es, overcome barriers,
and take advantage of opportuni+es in the global marketplace.We are seeking to hire a Technical Lead for Sustainable Agribusiness to lead the Modernizing the
Agriculture Sector in Sri Lanka Ac+vity in case of a successful bid. The Technical Lead will be based
in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and report to the A2F’s US Office.

  • This is an an+cipated project, and all posi+ons are con+ngent upon award from USAID.

Primary Du-es and Responsibili-es:

  • Design and implement interven+ons promo+ng modern, sustainable agricultural

technologies (precision ag, mechaniza+on, digital tools) emphasizing efficiency, yield
improvement, and climate resilience.

  • Provide strategic vision and technical exper+se, and manage key technical staff focusing

on areas such as climate-smart agriculture, sustainable agricultural technologies, climate
resilience, and food security.

  • Facilitate access to finance, extension services, and market informa+on for farmers and

agribusinesses, par+cularly for women, youth, and marginalized groups.

  • Collaborate with the private sector, farmer organiza+ons, and coopera+ves to strengthen

value chains, improve market access, and promote value addi+on.

  • Advise on policies and strategies that create an enabling environment for sustainable

agribusiness development and inclusive market par+cipa+on.

  • Ensure that cross-cu]ng themes such as gender equality and female and youth

empowerment are fully integrated into programming and ac+vi+es.

Key Qualifica-ons:

  • Master’s degree in agribusiness, agricultural economics, economics, or any other related


  • Ten (10) years’ experience in designing, implemen+ng, managing, and evalua+ng

agricultural business development, private sector development, or market systems
development ac+vi+es.

  • Seven (7) years’ experience working with agricultural value chains in South Asia,

preferably in Sri Lanka.

  • Five (5) years’ experience working with various stakeholders in agricultural, food, and

cold-chain systems from the government to farmers.

  • Robust knowledge of sustainable agricultural prac+ces, climate-smart technologies, and

modern farming techniques

  • Advanced oral and wri`en communica+on skills in English required; strong

communica+on skills and ability to write clear and concise reports in English.

Please send your application letter with a detailed CV, references, and salary
expectations to recruit@a2f-c.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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  • Agri Jobs
  • GreenHouse Jobs
  • Farming Jobs
  • Jobs in Agriculture