Shortage of Farmers in Canada

A $500 million lawsuit aims to reveal Canada’s long history of racial discrimination against migrant workers

Due to allegations that the federal government’s migrant worker program is based on racist ideals, the government is being sued. The federal government is the target of the proposed class-action case, which was brought on behalf of migrant workers who worked in Canada for the previous fifteen years. The Toronto Star reports that the case focuses on agricultural workers especially

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The labor ministry is looking into opportunities for disabled people to work on farms

In order to hire Jamaicans with impairments, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has been in contact with a number of Canadian firms involved in foreign farm work programs. Pearnel Charles Jr., the portfolio minister, revealed the information lately. “We have already started to have positive conversation with some of the employers in Canada, some of whom are open

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I observe the same plantation labor system that has devastated the Caribbean now in Canada

This article is by migrant advocate Chris Ramsaroop My foray into migrant worker organization was accidental. Migrant farm laborers from Mexico staged a wildcat strike in Leamington, Ontario, approximately 300 kilometers southwest of Toronto, in 2001. They were protesting a variety of working and living conditions, including their housing and kitchen facilities. The workers were returned to their place of

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UN expert: Canadian migrant laborers are “vulnerable” to contemporary slavery

Migrant laborers Canada’s Montréal- A United Nations expert has cautioned that Canada’s temporary foreign worker programs are a “breeding ground” for contemporary versions of slavery, nearly a year after Jamaican farmworkers in Ontario province reported mistreatment. Tomoya Obokata, the UN’s special rapporteur on new forms of slavery, expressed his dismay on Wednesday, saying that he was “deeply disturbed by the

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How a newcomer might locate jobs in agriculture in Canada

Thousands of foreign laborers are attracted to Canada’s agricultural industry annually. Getting a farming career in Canada as a foreign resident can be a terrific way to increase your income, live comfortably, and support the development of the country’s agricultural sector. Despite the fact that Canada’s core agricultural sector is expanding, there is a severe scarcity of farm laborers. Over

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